Online Retreat
Sunday, October 4

Establishing a Steady Heart

In this time of uncertainty many of us feel shaken by events taking place in the world at large. If we have no way of stabilizing our minds and hearts in something larger than our small selves, we are prone to being swept away by fear, anxiety, anger, depression, and despair.

This online retreat is an opportunity to spend a day cultivating calming meditation practices such as watching the breath, taking meditative walks, reciting simple mantras, and moment-to-moment mindfulness. These practices — rooted in ancient Buddhist wisdom and enhanced by contemporary Western psychology and neuroscience — have helped millions of people navigate the oftentimes difficult conditions of life. .

This is being offered as an online retreat. There will be meditation instructions, sitting and walking practice, a dharma talk, and opportunities to ask questions and share your meditation experience. The retreat will be led by Nelle Oosterom, dharma leader at Two Rivers Insight Meditation Community of Winnipeg.

Date: October 4, 2020
8:45 am to 4:30 pm.
Format: Online via Zoom platform. Instructions on how to access will be sent after registration.

This retreat is offered freely under an ancient tradition called dana (generosity). Instructions on how to offer dana will be included in a followup email after you register.

Register here